Apache Kafka is a crucial tool for building real-time streaming data pipelines and enabling efficient data processing. If you are preparing for an Apache Kafka interview, you must be well-prepared to demonstrate your understanding of Kafka's concepts, architecture, and best practices. To help you in your preparation, we have compiled a list of the top 50 Apache Kafka interview questions and answers. These Kafka related interview questions will help you build your understanding of Apache Kafka and its key elements.
You can develop your Kafka knowledge with online Apache Kafka certification courses and well prepare yourself for the interview. Familiarising yourself with these Apache Kafka interview questions and answers will shape your career in becoming a proficient java developer, data engineer, developer, or architects.
Ans: This is one of the basic Apache Kafka interview questions where you will be tested on the fundamental concept of this topic. Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform that is designed for high-throughput, and scalable data streaming. It is commonly used for building real-time data pipelines and applications that handle high volumes of data.
Kafka enables the publishing and subscribing of data streams, allowing applications to communicate and share data reliably and efficiently. It consists of producers that publish messages to topics, topics where messages are categorised, and consumers that subscribe to topics to process the messages.
Ans: This is another one of the top Apache Kafka interview questions you should practice. Kafka's architecture consists of several key components that work together to form a distributed data streaming platform. The key components are:
Producer: They are responsible for publishing messages to Kafka topics.
Broker: Kafka cluster is composed of multiple brokers, which are responsible for storing data and serving client requests.
Topic: A logical channel where messages are published and consumed.
Partition: Each topic is divided into partitions to enable parallel processing and distribution.
Consumer Group: A group of consumers that collectively consume a topic, enabling load balancing and fault tolerance.
Zookeeper: While Kafka now has its metadata management, Zookeeper was previously used to manage Kafka cluster metadata.
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Ans: Kafka employs replication to ensure fault tolerance and data durability.
Each partition in Kafka can have multiple replicas. Replicas are copies of the same data. If a broker fails, another replica can take over. This replication also helps to enhance read throughput. Kafka also supports leader election for partitions, ensuring that one replica serves as the leader and others as followers. If the leader fails, a follower can be elected as the new leader. This is one of the topics that must be included in your apache kafka interview questions and answers preparation list.
Ans: This is amongst the must know Kafka related interview questions. A Kafka producer is responsible for sending messages to Kafka topics. Producers can achieve message delivery guarantees through acknowledgement settings. There are three levels of acknowledgment:
acks=0: Producer does not wait for acknowledgment. This has the least guarantee but the highest throughput.
acks=1: Producer waits for leader acknowledgment. This provides better reliability than acks=0.
acks=all: Producer waits for acknowledgment from all in-sync replicas. This provides the highest level of reliability.
Ans: The concept of Kafka Consumer Offsets is considered one of the very important Apache Kafka interview questions. Kafka maintains the concept of consumer offsets to track the progress of consumers in a topic. Consumer offsets are markers that indicate up to which point a consumer has processed messages in a topic's partition. Kafka stores these offsets in a topic called consumer offsets. Consumers manage their own offsets, and this allows them to resume processing from where they left off in case of failure.
Ans: Kafka guarantees message ordering within a partition. Messages in a partition are assigned incremental sequence numbers as they are produced. Consumers read messages in the order of these sequence numbers, ensuring that the order is preserved. This is another one of the must know interview questions on Apache Kafka.
Ans: Zookeeper is one of the topics that you should understand while preparing for Apache Kafka interview questions and answers. Zookeeper was previously used in Kafka for managing cluster metadata. It helped manage broker metadata, leader elections, and consumer offsets. However, starting from Kafka version, Kafka introduced its metadata management system, reducing its dependency on Zookeeper for such functionalities.
Ans: This is one of the top Kafka related interview questions you should prepare for. Kafka allows you to configure data retention policies for topics. Kafka supports two types of data retention policies: time-based and size-based. With time-based retention, you can specify how long Kafka should retain messages in a topic. With size-based retention, you can set a maximum size for a topic's partition. Once the retention limits are reached, older messages are discarded.
Ans: This is another one of the interview questions on Kafka which you must practice. Kafka messages are sent in byte format, so serialisation and deserialisation are necessary to convert messages from and to a usable format. Producers serialise messages before sending them, which means converting objects into byte arrays. Consumers then deserialise these byte arrays back into usable objects. Common serialisation formats include JSON, Avro, and Protocol Buffers.
Ans: This is one of the important interview questions on Kafka that is frequently asked in interviews. Kafka Connect and Kafka Streams are important components of the Kafka ecosystem. Kafka Connect is a tool for building and managing connectors to move data between Kafka and other data systems. Kafka Streams, on the other hand, is a library for building stream processing applications that can consume, process, and produce data in Kafka.
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Ans: Exactly-once processing ensures that each message is processed only once, without duplication or loss. Kafka introduced the Idempotent producer and transactional consumer features to achieve exactly once processing. Idempotent producers ensure that even if a producer's acknowledgment is lost, duplicate messages will not be written to Kafka. Transactional consumers enable processing in a transaction, committing offsets only if processing is successful. For better preparation, you must understand this type of Apache Kafka interview questions and answers.
Ans: This type of Kafka related interview questions is frequently asked by interviewers to assess your understanding of this role. The Kafka Offset Manager is responsible for tracking consumer offsets. He or she keeps track of the consumer's progress in reading messages from partitions. In earlier Kafka versions, this was managed through Zookeeper. In newer versions, it is part of the Kafka group management protocol.
Ans: Log compaction is one topic that must be involved in your Apache Kafka interview questions and answers preparation list. It helps retain the latest value of each key in a topic, ensuring you have a complete history of changes. In Kafka, log compaction is a process where Kafka retains only the latest message for each key in a topic, discarding older messages with the same key. This is particularly useful for maintaining a complete history of changes, such as in a changelog topic. Again, this is one
Ans: Kafka provides various mechanisms for data security. Kafka supports SSL/TLS encryption for data in transit, allowing secure communication between clients and brokers. It also supports SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) for authentication and authorisation. Additionally, Kafka's ACLs (Access Control Lists) allow fine-grained control over who can read from and write about specific topics.
Ans: This is one of the most asked Apache Kafka interview questions. A Kafka Stream is a library for building stream processing applications. Kafka Streams allow you to process and analyse data from Kafka topics in real time. It enables developers to build applications that can transform, aggregate, and enrich data streams.
Ans: This is one of the must know Apache Kafka interview questions for experienced professionals as well as freshers. Kafka provides at least one message delivery semantics. With at least one semantics, Kafka ensures that messages are not lost. Producers receive acknowledgment after a message is successfully written to a leader, but there is a possibility that the acknowledgment is not received by the producer due to network issues. In this case, the producer retries, potentially leading to duplicate messages.
Ans: This is amongst the top interview questions on Apache Kafka you should practice for better preparation. Consumer rebalancing ensures that consumers are distributed evenly across partitions. When a new consumer joins a consumer group or an existing consumer leaves, a rebalance occurs. During rebalancing, Kafka ensures that partitions are distributed evenly among the consumers in the group. This helps achieve load balancing and fault tolerance.
Ans: This topic must be included in your Apache Kafka interview questions and answers preparation list to ace your next interview. The Kafka Controller is responsible for managing brokers and partitions. The Kafka Controller oversees the overall health and state of the Kafka cluster. It manages tasks like leader election for partitions, handling broker failures, and ensuring that replicas are in sync.
Ans: Backpressure occurs when consumers cannot keep up with the rate of incoming messages. Kafka provides a mechanism to handle backpressure. Consumers control their consumption rate by committing offsets. If a consumer experiences processing delays, it can choose not to commit offsets, effectively slowing down the rate at which Kafka sends messages.
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Ans: Kafka Schema Registry is one of the very common Apache Kafka interview questions to be asked in the interviews. The Kafka Schema Registry manages Avro schemas for Kafka topics. The Schema Registry stores and manages Avro schemas used for message serialisation and deserialisation. This ensures compatibility and consistency in the data structure between producers and consumers.
Ans: Kafka Log refers to the persisted messages in a topic's partition. In Kafka, data is stored in a log format. Each partition has its own log, which consists of segments containing messages. Messages are appended to the end of the log and are assigned a unique offset. Logs can be compacted or retained based on policies.
Ans: Monitoring Kafka clusters is crucial for maintaining their health and performance. Kafka provides JMX metrics that can be monitored using tools like JConsole, Prometheus, or Grafana. Additionally, Kafka's Confluent Control Center offers a graphical interface for monitoring and managing Kafka clusters. This is one of the top Apache Kafka interview questions to be asked in the interview.
Ans: Kafka's MirrorMaker is used for replicating data between Kafka clusters. MirrorMaker is a tool that helps replicate data from one Kafka cluster to another, enabling cross-cluster data synchronisation. This is useful for scenarios like disaster recovery, data migration, or maintaining replicas in different geographical locations. interview questions on Kafka.
Ans: The Kafka Streams Processor API is used to build custom stream processing applications. The Processor API in Kafka Streams allows developers to create custom stream processing applications. It provides low-level access to the stream processing engine, enabling fine-grained control over data transformations and operations.
Ans: Apache Kafka interview questions are incomplete without this topic which is extensively asked in the interviews. Kafka Producers and Consumers are the fundamental building blocks of Kafka communication. Producers are responsible for sending messages to Kafka topics, and consumers read and process those messages from topics. These components enable data flow and communication within the Kafka ecosystem.
Ans: This is one of the Apache Kafka interview questions to be asked in the interview. Kafka ensures message durability through replication and data retention policies. Kafka replicates messages across multiple brokers. This replication ensures that even if a broker fails, data remains available. Additionally, Kafka's retention policies control how long messages are retained, further enhancing durability.
Ans: The Kafka Coordinator manages group members and assignments in consumer groups. The Coordinator handles group membership and ensures that consumers in a group are properly assigned to partitions. This ensures load balancing and fault tolerance in consumer groups.
Ans: Optimising Kafka for high throughput involves tuning various configuration parameters. To achieve high throughput, consider adjusting parameters such as batch size for producers, fetch size for consumers, and tuning the number of partitions and replicas for topics. Additionally, optimising network settings and hardware resources can contribute to improved performance.
Ans: Kafka Replicator is one topic that must be included in your Apache Kafka interview questions and answers preparation list. Kafka Replicator is used for replicating data from one Kafka cluster to another. The Kafka Replicator is a tool designed to replicate data between Kafka clusters, similar to MirrorMaker. It is often used for disaster recovery scenarios, ensuring that data is replicated across multiple clusters.
Ans: Whenever we talk about interview questions on Apache Kafka, the term ‘Kafka Streams Time Windowing’ tops the Apache Kafka interview questions and answers preparation list. Kafka Streams Time Windowing refers to processing data within specific time intervals. Kafka Streams Time Windowing allows you to group and process data based on time intervals, such as tumbling windows (non-overlapping) or hopping windows (overlapping). This enables various time-based analytics and computations on streaming data.
Ans: Kafka Connect Converters are responsible for serialising data from a source system into the appropriate format for Kafka, as well as deserialising data from Kafka back into the format required by the target system. They ensure compatibility between different data formats and systems.
Ans: Kafka Log Compaction is a process where Kafka retains only the latest message for each key in a topic, discarding older messages with the same key. This ensures that you have a complete history of changes and is particularly useful for maintaining a changelog.
Ans: Kafka handles data partitioning as a fundamental aspect of its data distribution and scalability model. Data partitioning in Kafka allows for the parallel processing and distribution of data across multiple brokers and consumers, ensuring high throughput and fault tolerance. Kafka topics are divided into partitions, and each partition is a linearly ordered sequence of messages. Partitions are the unit of parallelism and data distribution. Producers can write to specific partitions or let Kafka assign partitions based on a key or a round-robin strategy. This key-based partitioning ensures that messages with the same key consistently go to the same partition, preserving message order for those keys.
Consumers can also subscribe to specific partitions or topic partitions can be evenly distributed among consumers in a consumer group, allowing for horizontal scaling and parallel processing of data. This partitioning strategy enables Kafka to handle large volumes of data while maintaining fault tolerance through replication of partitions across multiple brokers. In the event of a broker failure, leadership for a partition can be quickly reassigned to a replica on another broker, ensuring data availability and durability.
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Ans: The Kafka Broker Controller oversees the health and state of the Kafka cluster. It manages tasks such as leader election for partitions, handling broker failures, and ensuring that replicas are in sync. This is another one of the Apache Kafka interview questions to be asked in the interviews.
Ans: One of the frequently asked Apache Kafka interview questions is the differences between Apache Kafka and traditional message brokers. Unlike traditional message brokers, Kafka is designed for high throughput, fault tolerance, and scalability. It stores data durably in a distributed log, allows data reprocessing, and supports real-time stream processing.
Ans: This is one of the must know Apache Kafka interview questions for experienced professionals. The Kafka Streams DSL is a high-level API that simplifies the development of stream processing applications. It provides abstractions for common operations like filtering, mapping, and windowing, making it easier to work with Kafka Streams.
Ans: This is another apache kafka interview questions for experienced professionals. Message deduplication in Kafka can be achieved through idempotent producers. Idempotent producers ensure that even if a producer's acknowledgment is lost, duplicate messages would not be written to Kafka.
Ans: Kafka Connect Source Connectors act as data producers, enabling the ingestion of data from external sources into Kafka topics. They are responsible for pulling data from various origin systems such as databases, file systems, or APIs and then streaming this data into Kafka topics. This functionality allows organisations to centralise and unify their data streams, making it easier to process and analyse data from disparate sources in real time.
On the other hand, Kafka Connect Sink Connectors serve as data consumers, allowing data to flow from Kafka topics to external destinations or systems. Sink connectors enable the seamless transfer of data from Kafka to various target systems, including databases, data warehouses, and other applications. This integration streamlines the process of making data available for downstream processing, reporting, and analytics, ensuring that the data collected in Kafka can be effectively utilised throughout an organisation.
Ans: This is one of the important topics you should understand while preparing for Apache Kafka interview questions and answers. Kafka Streams Interactive Queries allow interactive access to the state maintained by stream processing applications. They enable real-time querying of the state stores used by Kafka Streams applications.
Ans: This is one of the interview questions on Apache Kafka which plays a greater role in Apache Kafka interviews. Kafka handles end-to-end message processing latency by providing mechanisms like timestamps and watermarks. These allow consumers to process messages based on their event time, enabling accurate latency measurements.
Ans: Kafka's tiered storage architecture allows data to be stored on different storage systems based on retention policies. Hot data is stored on high-performance storage, while cold data can be moved to lower-cost storage systems. Preparing for this kind of Kafka related interview questions will help you ace your Apache Kafka interviews.
Ans: The Kafka Consumer Lag metric indicates the difference between the latest produced offset and the last consumed offset by a consumer. It helps monitor the progress and health of consumer groups.
Ans: Kafka's retention policy determines how long messages are retained in a topic. Log compaction, on the other hand, ensures that only the latest message for each key is retained, discarding older messages with the same key.
Ans: The Kafka Consumer Rebalance process holds a crucial significance in the world of distributed data streaming and event processing, particularly within the Apache Kafka ecosystem. Kafka Consumer Rebalance is the mechanism by which Kafka ensures fault tolerance, scalability, and high availability for consumer applications that subscribe to data streams.
When a new consumer joins a consumer group or an existing one leaves or fails, or when the topic partitions are modified, Kafka triggers a rebalance operation. During this process, Kafka dynamically redistributes the topic partitions among the available consumer instances, striving for an even and fair distribution of workload. This redistribution ensures that each consumer processes its fair share of messages and that no consumer is overburdened or underutilised.
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Ans: This is one of the frequently asked Apache Kafka interview questions you should prepare for. Kafka achieves load balancing for consumers by distributing partitions evenly among consumers within a consumer group during the rebalance process. This ensures that each consumer processes a fair share of data.
Ans: Kafka divides log data into segments for efficient storage. The segment retention policy determines how long segments are retained. Once a segment reaches its retention time or size, it is eligible for deletion.
Ans: Kafka's exactly-once semantics ensures that messages are processed only once, without duplication or loss. It is achieved through the use of idempotent producers, transactional producers, and transactional consumers.
Ans: Kafka delivers messages independently to each consumer group. Each consumer group maintains its own offset, allowing consumers within different groups to process messages independently.
Ans: This is another one of the frequently asked Apache Kafka interview questions that must be included in your preparation list. Kafka Streams Interactive Queries allow stateful processing applications to query the state stores maintained by Kafka Streams. This enables real-time querying of application state for analytics and reporting.
Ans: The role of the Kafka Streams GlobalKTable is one of the Apache Kafka interview questions for experienced professionals. GlobalKTable is a table data structure that allows stream processing applications to join stream data with the data stored in the GlobalKTable. It provides a way to perform lookups and enrichments based on external data sources.
Preparing for interview questions with answers requires a strong grasp of its core concepts, architecture, and components. By thoroughly understanding the topics covered in these 50 Apache Kafka Interview questions and answers, you will be better equipped to showcase your expertise and succeed in your Kafka interview. Remember that practical experience and hands-on projects can further enhance your understanding and make you stand out as a qualified candidate in the field of data engineering and real-time data processing.
These Apache Kafka interview questions for experienced and fresher candidates will strengthen your core skills and improve your expertise in understanding the elements behind Apache Kafka.
These are a set of commonly asked questions during interviews that focus on assessing a candidate's understanding of Kafka's concepts, architecture, and use cases.
Kafka related interview questions can be found on various online platforms and websites that specialise in technical interviews and programming-related discussions.
To prepare for interview questions on Apache Kafka, start by reviewing the list of questions along with their detailed answers. Also, practice with hands-on examples and create small Kafka projects.
Experienced candidates might encounter more in-depth and advanced interview questions that delve into topics like Kafka internals, performance tuning, optimization strategies, and real-time streaming processing using Kafka Streams.
Apache Kafka interview questions with answers cover a wide range of topics, including Kafka architecture, components (producers, consumers, brokers), fault tolerance mechanisms, data retention strategies and many more.
Application Date:11 November,2024 - 08 April,2025